Jun 13, 20174 min read
Think like a CSO (with Phil Adams)
I gave a room full of strategists two minutes each to arrive at a definition of “content”. This was an experiment not a workshop...

Dec 12, 20164 min read
Think like a CSO (with Stuart Bowden)
Stuart Bowden is the Global CSO at MEC and a man of vision; a vision shaped by an eclectic career across media and ad agencies, a period...

Jan 22, 20164 min read
Think like a CSO (with Matt Willifer)
Matt’s career combines classic brand planning with cutting edge digital expertise. Matt joined BMP DBB from Oxford University in 1995 on...

Jan 21, 20162 min read
Think like a CSO (with Dom Boyd)
Mintel’s ‘Think like a CSO’ offers something all-too-rare in today’s #instaculture: an opportunity for the speaker to distill...

Oct 2, 20152 min read
Think like a CSO (with Craig Mawdsley)
Preparing for the APG ‘think like a CSO’ event, hosted and made possible by Mintel, made me think about how I think. Which may be a...

Aug 17, 20154 min read
Think like a CSO (with Richard Huntington)
I’m not going to pretend that speaking at the APG’s inaugural ‘Think Like a CSO’ (Chief Strategy Officer) sponsored and hosted by Mintel...

Jan 30, 20154 min read
How to be a Chief Strategy Officer
First of all, an apology. There isn’t a simple, ten-point plan you can follow to become a CSO. Or if there is, no one told me! What I can...