Judging Panels
APG Creative Strategy Awards 2025
In partnership with Channel 4

There will be two judging stages – a written paper and a face-to-face stage. The written stage will count for half the total marks. The second and final judging stage will consist of a 5 minute recap of the salient points of the paper by the author(s) followed by up to 15 minutes of questions and discussion with the judges. This second stage represents the other half of the total marks.
The Shortlisting Panel will mark every paper and those with the highest scores based on the quality of the written argument will go forward to the final judging stage where marks will be awarded as outlined below. The Grand Prix and the gold, silver and bronze Awards will be based on the total marks achieved over both judging stages.
The Chair of Final Judges and Chair of Shortlisters will work closely together to make sure that there is cohesion between the two stages. The Chair of Shortlisters will be on the final judging panel.
The Shortlisting Panel
The Final Judging Panel