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Logic, Magic and Sparkle: Workshops on how to write a winning APG case history

The APG Creative Strategy Awards are on again in 2025. So if you’re true to the literal interpretation of ‘planner’ or indeed ‘planning’ you will already have started work on your entry. 


If however, you’re a by-the-seat-of-your-pants, wild, hard, last-minute-ride kind of planner (belying all practical interpretations of the ‘planning’ thing) you’ll be getting down to it sometime in early March, tripping fearlessly and with blind optimism through to the 3rd April deadline. 


But there is a middle way. And we’ve organised it for you so you don’t have to any planning (of the practical boring kind). 


Instead, you can devote your time to crafting the perfect paper. 


There are 3 workshops: Logic, Magic and Sparkle. You can do 1, 2 or all 3 of them. Between them, they cover the essential ingredients of the perfect creative strategy case history delivered by the experts in writing and winning APG awards.

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Let Channel 4 know what you think about accessible advertising & subtitle enabled ads

Channel 4 featured subtitle-enabled advertising during their Paralympic Games coverage, increasing the number of subtitle-enabled ads on screen by 140%. 


They want to understand any experience you‘ve had with subtitle-enabled ads to help them understand what works well and where they can improve, and what needs to change to make accessible advertising more present on our screens in the future. 

Your responses will be confidential, and as a token of our appreciation Channel 4 will be donating £5 to RNID for each survey response they receive, up to a total value of £1000

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'How To' make ethnography a more powerful part of your strategic approach
11th November | 5pm-6pm GMT | Online

A practical masterclass from Mark Hadfield and Richard Huntington on how to bind ethnography into the way you work based on the successful ‘What the Fuck is going on?’ programme from Saatchi & Saatchi.

In it, Richard will debrief ‘Heartland’, the second instalment of WTF, which unpacks the trials and tribulations of middle class Britain through their own voices with concrete recommendations on how to productively engage them.

You’ll also get useful practical guidance on how to get the most out of ethnography from expert Mark Hadfield of Meet the 85%.


'Obsolete: How Change Brands are Changing the World'
Book Launch on 17th October

Strategist and APG Gold winner Chris Baker’s new book, 'Obsolete: How Change Brands are Changing the World' is out on October 24th. The idea at the heart of the book is "Change how people spend their money and we can change the world.


There’s a free invite to APG members for his book launch on 17th October in Great Portland Street at the home of Change Please and Toast, with an intro to the book from the author and a panel featuring other Change Brand founders. Only 30 spaces remaining so sign up fast! 

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Get the Best Out of AI: Future Proofing Your Career
15th October | 5pm-6pm BST | Online

The next event in our series 'Get the best out of AI' is happening online on Tuesday 15th October from 5pm-6pm BST. 


Oli Feldwick will be discussing how AI might change the way we work (for better and for worse). And what we should all be doing to make sure we’re ready for it.

This series of talks and discussions is designed to go deeper into specific AI topics that have a direct relevance to the practice of Planning and Strategy. 

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Is AI leading advertising to a better place?

AI is transforming advertising and marketing, and it’s just the beginning. So, it’s important to understand the industry’s attitudes to these developments. The APG has created a short, 13-question survey and invites you to share your insights. The findings will be shared with the community.​

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WARC Future of Strategy

Here is the annual survey, organised by Warc, looking at the future of strategy globally. Do please fill it in with your thoughts.

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Creative Strategy in 26 Videos

The APG A-Z is a series of 26 short and inspiring videos that are designed to give you all the basics for a proper understanding of the practice of planning and strategy. Whether you’re just starting out in an agency - be it in advertising, media, social, design, whatever - and have planner or strategist in your title, or you work for a client or research company and have a professional interest in strategy, this course is for you to do in your own time.

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What is the APG Think Tank?

The clue is in the name. It’s the place on the APG site where we bring together all the precious bits of strategic learning that can help you navigate a tricky problem, give you fresh inspiration or just wake up your jaded planning brain when you need help but don’t know where else to go.

To get a taster of how excellent these resources are for members, we’re giving you the chance to download one example of each for free.

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A 'How To' Event: How Not to be Afraid of Numbers
(with Sam Fowler)
4th November | 5pm-6pm GMT | Online

Whether presented as targets, KPI's or just raw data, numbers are a fundamental and ever present constant in advertising now. 

In this 'How To' session, Sam will focus on equipping you with a toolbox of tips and tricks he has picked up during his time in the industry, so you can quickly focus on what matters, feel confident in handling data and begin a journey to making numbers work for you.

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Things You Need to Know
Taught by those who know
by: Sarah Newman

There is a whole industry of ‘experts’ on LinkedIn peddling their services. Some of them haven’t worked on a client for years. Some have developed a gig that pretends one aspect of strategy trumps all others, and they double down on that at the expense of nuance. A few are brilliant and inspiring. Quite a lot don’t seem to have much clue about what planners and strategists actually do (and want to do better) in the real world...

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APG Old But Gold
Redefining the Value of a Vote

APG are delighted to be partnering with Fergus O’Carroll in a new, occasional series of podcasts featuring winners of the APG awards from back in the day. It’s astonishing how interesting, relevant and enlightening these cases are still today. So much to learn from them and so much to enjoy.

Listen in on this episode about how Nikki Crumpton shocked us back in 1997 and won an APG Gold for 'Ministry of Sound'. But the question is, given the everyday nature of corrosive and extreme political behaviour, are we now immune to it? You be the judge.

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Tom Roach on Creative Strategists

The great Mark Ritson recently wrote a brief but provocative post about hating the title ‘creative strategist’.


On behalf of the APG, the home of planners and strategists, this is an invitation for Mark to come and judge the APG’s Creative Strategy Awards 2025.


His post posed tough questions for anyone whose job is or includes creative strategy. It received 1000+ likes and a huge amount of agreement.


The essence of it was that the title is an oxymoron - that you can’t be both an expert strategist and an expert creative. Mark is rightly a purist when it comes to strategy. To him the title wrongly blurs the lines between two things which should be distinct.

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Inclusivity – a chance for planners to take the lead

Channel 4’s annual Diversity in Advertising award is now open and this year it’s especially relevant to planners. The idea is ‘inclusivity by design’ which means writing inclusivity into the thinking from the brief. It’s easy to think of accessibility as an add-on, at the final stages of execution. But this is a chance to shape your communication around the objective of being inclusive to more audiences. Have a read. I think this is the most fascinating and worthwhile of challenges


Strategic Management Masterclasses with Craig+Bridget
Starting 24th September

🙇‍♂️ I find it baffling how ready some agencies are to promote really excellent planners into senior positions and serious departmental or management responsibility, with little or no preparation. Account people at least have a management structure implicit in the way they organised. It trains them on the job how to lead people and foster team culture. But strategists get a shiny new title and just have to busk it till they work out how to do it.

🦉 So a couple of years I got together with Bridget Angear and Craig Mawdsley to work out how this gap could be filled with practical, actionable and strategy-centric teaching. We wanted to create a course on how to make it in strategy management (by-passing the 'busking it' bit).

👨‍🏫 Craig and Bridget (c+b) led strategy at AMVBBDO over many years and managed one of the most successful ever planning functions as Heads of Department and Joint CSOs. So we tried to bottle all their experience and everything they learned about how to (and how not to) do it, and created a series of Strategy Management Masterclasses.

👩‍🎓 We just ran the 4th iteration of these classes with guest tutors Andy Nairn, Raquel Chicourel, Cat Wiles, Emily Harlock, Raj Nathwani, and Will Whalley. We covered the all important topics of managing other planners, creating culture, leading on new business, leading in the agency and managing yourself.

🤔 We had a group of lovely, serious, excellent planners who over the course of 5 weeks re-thought their role at work and learned a host of new ways of being a strategy leader with management responsibility. And no busking.

👩‍🏫 It's one of the most pleasurable and enlightening parts of my APG year. And I would like to pay tribute to all the delegates for giving so much to the programme, but mostly to Craig and Bridget who donate their time to share their wisdom and experience, in a spirit of complete openness and generosity. It's a massive boost to the APG and the planning community at large, and lets us off all that busking! A great, big Thank you.

🧠 We'll be running it again in the Autumn. If you want to sign up to learn how to do it just email or and we'll put you down for it.

Sarah Newman

APG Director

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A word from the APG's new

Think of a planner. What image comes to mind? Ironic notebook? Quiet demeanour? Statement glasses? You probably conjured one of these, right? 


There’s a lingering stereotype that planners are introverted intellectuals who prefer to work solo. Of course it’s a cliché for a reason. Many strategic thinkers would choose time and space to mull over a problem or an idea....



Sign up any time

Strategic Management Masterclasses with Craig+Bridget

Starting 24th September

Essential Planning Skills

9th, 16th, 23rd October, 6th, 13th & 20th November

Planning Fundamentals

11th, 12th, 13th, 14th November

Agile Strategy

2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th December

APG Night School

Starts April 2025


'Sparkle' with Kit Altin

30th Oct | 5pm-6pm GMT | Online

'Logic' with Vicki Holgate

31st Oct | 5pm-6pm GMT | Online

'Magic' with Martin Beverley

20th Nov | 4.30pm-5.30pm GMT | Online

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