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APG Noisy Thinking 2018

Our flagship evening event held 6 times a year in association with Flamingo. Each event addresses a provocative question or current theme focused on Planning & Strategy. These events are supported by Google.

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The Art of Persuasion - How do you get your idea over the line?

15 February 2018


Speakers: Jim Carroll, Marie Oldham, Laura Jordan Bombach and Martin Beverley

Alastair Campbell on what’s happening to political brands?

19 June 2018


Speaker: Alastair Campbell

If the structure of our industry is broken, what do strategists do next?

13 March 2018


Speakers: Ian Leslie, Sally Weavers, Stuart Smith and Guy Murphy

'How Not To Plan' Planning Surgery

21 November 2018

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Speakers: Sarah Carter & Les Binet

How best to make sense of the world now? 20 Strategic Tools

26 April 2018


Speakers: Chris Arning, Alex Steer, Dr. Adam Gill, George Webster and Lucas Galan

'How Not To Plan' Planning Surgery

with Sarah Carter and Les Binet

21st November 2018
How Not To Plan

If you've had your head stuck in a bin for the last 4 months you'll have missed the launch and subsequent 2 re-prints of APG How Not to Plan, the definitive Planning handbook and Bible for the C21st strategist. 


Head-down, head-up or head in the clouds, you can get your Planning Head in order on 21st November when Les Binet and Sarah Carter will be talking about what we can all learn from the book and answering your planning queries with specific strategic health advice. So get thinking about what you want to ask them. And yes, they will have their white coats on.  We've ordered them from Amazon.

Alastair Campbell

Alastair Campbell on what’s happening to political brands?

19th June 2018

In a break with our normal Noisy Thinking events we invited just one speaker to address us on 19th June.  Alastair Campbell is the stand-out political strategist of the last 20 years.  He was in the centre of the New Labour strategy and communications machine and remains one of the most respected and insightful commentators.


Click through to read the articles here

How best to make sense of the world now?

20 Strategic Tools

26th April 2018
How to make sense on the world

Rich and interesting strategies don’t come out of nowhere. The most effective and creative thinking draws on culture and consumers and different disciplines to provide inspiration points and real insight.  So for Noisy Thinking on 26th April we’ve invited 5 experts from different disciplines to share their most useful ’tools’, frameworks, or ways of thinking so you can take them away and use them at your desk the next day. These are the disciplines and expert practitioners we’ve asked to take part:


Chris Arning – Semiotics

Alex Steer – Data analytics

Dr. Adam Gill – Anthropology

George Webster – Future thinking 

Lucas Galan – Digital Forensics


Each of them is going to give a brief introduction to applying their discipline to strategic thinking, and give you 5 tools to help you do it yourself.

How best to make sense of the world now? And 20 Strategic Tools to help you do it

How best to make sense of the world now? And 20 Strategic Tools to help you do it
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Alex Steer | How best to make sense of the world now? | APG Noisy Thinking
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Alex Steer | How best to make sense of the world now? | APG Noisy Thinking

Lucas Galan and George Webster | How best to make sense of the world now? | APG Noisy Thinking
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Lucas Galan and George Webster | How best to make sense of the world now? | APG Noisy Thinking

Dr Adam Gill | How best to make sense of the world now? | APG Noisy Thinking
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Dr Adam Gill | How best to make sense of the world now? | APG Noisy Thinking

Chris Arning | How best to make sense of the world now? | APG Noisy Thinking
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Chris Arning | How best to make sense of the world now? | APG Noisy Thinking

Broken Industry

If the structure of our industry is broken, what do strategists do next?

13th March 2018

Noisy Thinking 13th March is about the seismic changes in our industry and what they mean for planners and strategists trying to make sense of them and map their careers.

We’ve asked 4 strategic seers to tell us what they think is happening, what they are doing about it, and what opportunities there are for planners and strategists to build a successful career in a crazily changing world, and make the most of the opportunities.

If the structure of our industry broken, what do strategists do next?

If the structure of our industry broken, what do strategists do next?
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Ian Leslie | Is the structure of our industry broken? | APG Noisy Thinking
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Ian Leslie | Is the structure of our industry broken? | APG Noisy Thinking

If the structure of our industry is broken, what do strategists do next? APG Noisy Thinking
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If the structure of our industry is broken, what do strategists do next? APG Noisy Thinking

Stuart Smith | Is the structure of our industry broken? | APG Noisy Thinking
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Stuart Smith | Is the structure of our industry broken? | APG Noisy Thinking

Guy Murphy | Is the structure of our industry broken? | APG Noisy Thinking
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Guy Murphy | Is the structure of our industry broken? | APG Noisy Thinking

The Art of Persuasion

How do you get your idea over the line?

15th February 2018
The Art of Persuasion

Lots of people have asked us to cover the difficulty of getting your thinking sold and out in the real world so we’ve asked some arch persuaders to tell us how they do it: A guru Chair in the form of Jim Carroll, a brilliant media strategist, Marie Oldham and an inspiring creative, Laura Jordan Bombach.

The Art of Persuasion | APG Noisy Thinking

The Art of Persuasion | APG Noisy Thinking
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Jim Carroll | The Art of Persuasion | APG Noisy Thinking
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Jim Carroll | The Art of Persuasion | APG Noisy Thinking

Marie Oldham | The Art of Persuasion | APG Noisy Thinking
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Marie Oldham | The Art of Persuasion | APG Noisy Thinking

Laura Jordan Bambach | The Art of Persuasion | APG Noisy Thinking
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Laura Jordan Bambach | The Art of Persuasion | APG Noisy Thinking

Martin Beverley | The Art of Persuasion | APG Noisy Thinking
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Martin Beverley | The Art of Persuasion | APG Noisy Thinking

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