APG Strategy Conference 2012
Worlds Collide: What do you do to win when you can't afford to lose?
2nd May 2012
As every Planner, thinker, marketer and communications person knows, without a convincing strategy you've very little chance of succeeding. Devising a brilliant strategy is truly demanding and the ideas and strategies that work often come from unexpected places; the result of challenging the norm, looking for ideas in novel places and seeking inspiration from worlds other than your own. This is the theme of the APG's 2012 Strategy Event: Worlds Collide.
Worlds Collide 2012

Sir Mike Jackson | APG Worlds Collide 2012

APG Worlds Collide 2012 | David Droga

Jeremy Gilley | APG Worlds Collide 2012

APG Worlds Collide 2012 | A word from Sir Mike Jackson
Live chat with David Droga: When strategy and creativity collide
10 April 2012 | Robin Hough
Join David Droga, founder of Droga5, live from New York on Thursday 12 April at 5pm BST as he answers your questions on the future of advertising, creativity and how to execute winning business strategies.
The Guardian Media Network Live Blog
2 May 2012
In a collision of of the worlds of politics, the military, advertising, activism and sport, Alastair Campbell, General Sir Mike Jackson, David Droga and Jeremy Gilley go head to head to answer the question: What do you do to win, when you can't afford to lose?
Strategies for a strategy
4 May 2012 | Anjali Ramachandran
It’s not often that you get representatives from such disparate fields pouring their thoughts into the same jug, and I lapped it up for all it was worth.