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Lunchtime Event with Matthew Willcox

Matthew Willcox has written a book called ‘The Business of Choice: Marketing to Consumers' Instincts'. It's meant to help understand how human instincts and intuitions can lead to work that gets your brand chosen.

Join us for a discussion during which Matthew will talk about what behavioural science and neuroscience have revealed about how people’s choices and behaviour are driven by non-conscious instincts.

The session is designed to be interactive so there will be chance to put some of the idea to test with real problems.

Speaker Biography:

Matthew Willcox is Founder and Executive Director of the Institute of Decision Making, a part of FCB. The Institute of Decision Making is brings the findings from scientists who study human behavior and how people make choices into the practice of marketing. Matthew has more than 25 years of brand strategy experience throughout Europe, Asia, and North America. Over that time he has helped organizations such as Levi Strauss and Co., Electronic Arts, Hilton Worldwide, Unilever, Nestle, Shell and GlaxoSmith­Kline get their products chosen. In the process, he has helped his clients win eight Effie awards for effective communication. He has acted as a subject matter expert on behavior change for the Food and Drug Administration and is a frequent speaker at business schools and at marketing and communication events, including the Cannes Lions in 2010, 2011, and 2013.

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