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Fictional Worlds. And the death of the insight.


I’ve always been a slave to fiction and fictional worlds, from ‘The Cat in the Hat’ via Iris Murdoch’s bizarre and eccentric slices of society to the recent and brilliant ‘Bee Sting’. (Paul Murray. If you haven’t read it; do). 


And I would submit that novels (or gaming, or film, or whatever spices your imagination) are possibly the best justification for not reading research reports. They can free you from the straitjacket of ‘truth’ and ‘insight’ and encourage you to plunder your imagination and the richness of fictional worlds for creative guidance. They free the mind, liberate your thinking and encourage you to be expansive. 




We’ll examine this theme as if through a prism, with provocations from some brilliant speakers. They will look at ads and campaigns that they’ve been involved in and some that are currently dominant in culture and ask: Are apparently chaotic fictional worlds really unmoored from insight? When can you reasonably leave insight behind? How do you sell an idea without an insight? Why do we need new insights anyway? Surely we can just recycle the old ones? 


Mel Arrow is CSO at McCann London and will chair the event

Nick Hirst is Executive Strategy Director at adam&eveDDB

Ran Stallard is a Creative at McCann London

Matthew Waksman is Head of Strategy at Ogilvy UK



Withdrawing now from the lure of the fantastic, here’s a couple of brilliant training courses we’re running this autumn.

Agile Strategy is the gymnasium for the planner’s mind. It’s about learning tricks and processes and ways of cracking problems at pace. We all need to ‘do’ strategy faster and faster. The more ways in and ideas you have, the faster you can get going and nail your thinking. Go here for more information and booking.

This course teaches you a more classic, marketing and business focused approach to creative strategy. It puts all the essential blocks in place to make sure your strategy holds up to the most stringent client scrutiny AND works to stimulate excellent creative thinking. For people who have the fundamentals in place and are operating at a more senior strategic level. Go here for more information and booking.

Sarah Newman

APG Director


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