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What can you do with your planning skills?

'What do you do with your planning skills?' is a new event series held online. Brand Planning and creative strategy skills are unique and surprisingly portable so this is a series of conversations with planners who have moved into different areas.  We will talk to strategists who are cross pollinating their skills across different fields and agencies, either into planning from clients or into new areas of specialism and get to the bottom what make them so effective and useful.


Each time two senior people will chat about what inspired them to make a move, which skills turn out to be essential, what new skills they have acquired and how the way they work has changed. It will be open and informal and there will be a chance to talk to them and ask questions.

What can you do with your planning skills?
(with Sandie Dilger & Liz Baines)


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Sandie Dilger

Current role: Chief Strategy Officer at TBWA\ London

Previous role: Cadbury client

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Liz Baines

Current role: Head of Planning at Specsavers Creative

Previous role: Head of Strategy at House 337

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