Jun 28, 20182 min read
How Not to Plan - A Review by Martin Weigel
When most books about marketing or advertising merely add to the landfill of calorie-free advice and are long copy exercises in self...
Jun 28, 20182 min read
How Not to Plan - A Review by Neil Godber
How Not To Plan is a wonderfully illuminating and insightful book that any and everyone working in Planning (and beyond) can find...
Jun 27, 20181 min read
How Not to Plan - A Review by Paul Feldwick
Today, we have a better and more soundly based understanding of how to make effective advertising than ever before. And this book, a...
Jun 21, 20182 min read
What the Ad World Can Learn from Politics?
Tuesday night the APG hosted Alastair Campbell. He did some Brexit bashing, he despaired over Trump, he confirmed our belief that we’re...
Jun 19, 20182 min read
Meditations on Alastair Campbell
APG Noisy Thinking: Strategies for Political Party Brands Remember the famous Blue Peter clip? The one with the elephant? It’s walking...