Oct 16, 20144 min read
Why strategy should be seen as a soap opera
The work of a strategist is a never-ending process that is constantly evolving as new problems occur and unforeseen dramas take place,...
Oct 15, 20143 min read
APG Big Thinking on Strategy – 1 Thing I Learned From Each Speaker
Rather than try and summarise the varied points of discussion around, and different perspectives on strategy into one neat article, I...
Jan 23, 20144 min read
Tracey Follows on West Wing Planning and the Influential Idea
This is the text of Tracey’s article that appeared in Campaign on 23rd January In Adam Morgan’s Foreward to the APG Creative Strategy...
Mar 8, 20122 min read
What is the Future of Planning?
Where is planning going? This was the question that the APG posed on Tuesday 6th March to three planning luminaries- Adam Morgan, Richard...